Prix Europa-nominated fictitious drama series about deadly ambitions.

Revenge is a fictional miniseries revolving around disastrous ambitions and how karma and revenge will catch up with you at some point. It is an intriguing podcast which focuses on a woman’s exploitation of the Metoo-movement and the deadly consequences she must pay for her choices. 

We follow Chief Constable Barbara Schaaf as she tries to solve the murders of her fellow colleagues, while at the same time holding onto the high-ranking position within the police force that she just obtained. This proves to be more difficult than Schaaf could have imagined.

The drama series is created by Karin van der Meer. Revenge can boast about being the first Dutch radio drama produced in immersive 8D audio. The show was nominated for a Prix Europa in 2021 – a broadcasting festival which acknowledges the best European television, radio and online productions.